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YES! ken and tina were finally bumped off their number 1 position by nick and starr! good job to the siblings! (: i think they are a really formidable team, and will expect to see them for quite a while! haha and kelly and christy r real mean in their comments about other contestants. i find this one particularly evil.


anyway, yesterday i did quite a bit of driving, cos our family went out for lunch, then my bro had to go back to sch for proj work, and after dropping off, we headed to my grandma's place and stayed there till my bro was done before going to fetch him again. so i was the driver all this while, and as usual, my driving standard was like *cough*. so while i was trying not to suck at driving, my dad and mum were like nagging all the way, which sometimes make me panick even more, then give them even more chances to nag at me. it could get really irritating at times, even though i do admit im still very far away from being good at driving.

anw, when we reached rj to pick my bro, he messaged saying he needed another 15 min, so i wanted to drive round rj at first, then realised the barricades are closed on weekends so i parked at the visitors carpark and strolled round rj with my parents. i was rather shocked at the number of people that were back in a school on a public holiday. about 75% of the classrooms had people in them. i didnt remember going back to sch on a public holiday when i was mugging for As hahaha.

ok. anw heres a nice song that id like to recommend to everyone. its by peter pan, pan yu wen (one of the finalists of xing guang season 1). nice song + lyrics (:

夏雨诗 - 潘裕文

等候在 骤来的 夏夜暴雨 时间突然静止
滂沱的 雨势中 停泊两段 迂回著的心事
忽然间 所有的 谈笑风生 瞬间戛然而止
靠著我 挡著你 风雨之中 不让你被淋湿

我们在这个城市 流浪多少日子
却从来没有想到 有人能分享 你倾覆的心事

没有了你叮咛的日子 耳朵总感觉怅然若失
生活上来了又去 得了又失 是你给我扶持
不断寻觅错过了几次 从来不知爱近在咫尺
回头发现 熬过这些日子 总有你的影子

孤独在 各自的 人生旅途 安静或是飞驰
遇见了 彼此后 两个灵魂 不再患得患失
有些话 想启齿 欲言又止 你耐心等我解释
微笑著 不说话 把我抱住 让我像个孩子

在光阴这趟车上 浪费了多少日子
遇见你却让过去 所有的痛楚 通通被稀释

没有了你叮咛的日子 耳朵总感觉怅然若失
生活上来了又去 得了又失 是你给我扶持
不断寻觅错过了几次 从来不知爱近在咫尺
回头发现 熬过这些日子 总有你的影子

没有了你倾诉的日子 耳朵就感觉怅然若失
生活上来了又去 得了又失 你是我的坚持
陪我同游余生的日子 就算走到了穷途末日
天涯咫尺 在人生的白纸 同愉快的写诗

consilio et animis
10/28/2008 12:10:00 PM

为什么失去了 还要被惩罚呢

i seriously wonder why there is a need for SHA, as it always ends up as a 分猪肉 event. following their practice last yr, every single overseas artiste that was nominated in at least one prize category, and turned up, went home with at least one prize. like seriously, whats the point of a newcomer award if they give it to 6 NEWCOMERS?

anyway, congrats to fish for clinching the prestigious best female artiste award, even though the credibility of all the SHA awards are highly dubious HAHAHA. and WOW mayday actually performed ni bu shi zhen zheng de kuai le for the FIRST TIME EVER, at the SHA! i love that song alot. the mv is also very nice and i love the lyrics of this song, especially this line: 这世界笑了 于是你合群的一起笑了.

你不是真正的快乐 - 五月天

人群中哭着 你只想变成透明的颜色
你已经决定了 你已经决定了

你静静忍着 紧紧把昨天在拳心握着

你不是真正的快乐 你的笑只是你穿的保护色
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了

这世界笑了 于是你合群的一起笑了

你不是真正的快乐 你的笑只是你穿的保护色
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了

你不是真正的快乐 你的伤从不肯完全的愈合
我站在你坐着 却伤感着银河
难道就真的抱着遗憾一直到老了 然后再后悔着

你不是真正的快乐 你的笑只是你穿的保护色
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了

你不是真正的快乐 你的伤从不肯完全的愈合
我站在你坐着 却伤感着银河

你知道真正的快乐 你应该脱下你穿的保护色
为什么失去了 还要被惩罚呢
能不能就让配角全部结束在此刻 重新开始活着

having heard such a nice first hit, i was really looking forward to this album, esp since their last proper album was like 2 yrs ago. however, when i listened to their whole album the first time, i was shocked. i felt that the ke ting du of the songs in this album is a lot lower, cos the feng ge of some of the songs are hard to accept. in fact, i quickly got bored of some of the songs. :/ moreover, i cannot find myself growing on many of those songs, unlike the case of the previous album haha. mebbe its just me, but i was very disappointed on the whole when after listening to that album twice, and have not gone back to reviewing it again...

AR again tmr! hopefully i can wake up early enough HAHA. hope to see ken and tina end their winning streak ): half of the fun of watching AR is gone though, cos my favourite team is out already HAHA.

consilio et animis
10/26/2008 09:49:00 PM


went back to draw blood last week for a blood test before ORD. haha i was actually quite afraid, cos of a traumatic experience i had with the medics half a year ago. at that time, i had a high fever, and had to get a drip, and like 3-4 medics attempted to drip me. after like 7 failed attempts (YES I STILL REMEMBER THAT NUMBER ACCURATELY), they still did not get the drip into my vein. i mean, if its a professional doctor doing it for me, i wouldnt be like one-tenth as frightened ok.

anw when i walked in to get my blood drawn, one of the medics actually asked his friend (who was probably quite new) to draw the blood from me, so as to "gain experience". i was thinking OMG this is it they will need another 7 attempts. but thankfully, all went well, and he managed to draw my blood on his first attempt. phew, im done with like the worst part of the medical clearance before ord. after that, i hung around to do some clearance. ORD smells really close now!

hehhs. anw, today, my fave AR13 teams got eliminated! so sadd! marisa and brooke were still a good position last week! but they somehow just got very lost in this leg, and were like hours behind the first team (maybe even half a day?) was really sad for them, cos they are like one of the nicer teams, who dont bicker at each other, and do not bitch at other teams. i was like crossing my fingers and hoping that it was a non-elimination leg, but unfortunately, it wasnt. boohoo, there goes my charming belles. and OH MY GOD ken and tina got the fast forward and was first for the 3rd time in a row ):

today was the du jia shou bo for 2 songs! at 10am, there was 你不是真正的快乐 by mayday, and at 8.30pm, there was 带我走 by rainie! both are emo shu qing songs, and they are both very nice. at the moment, i prefer 带我走 more, cos it is more emo than 你不是真正的快乐 haha. and nicer to sing at kbox i guess (: sadly, rainie is changing her image to become more cheng shu this time round, so i guess no more ren yi men? ):

on a side note, jj has released his album, and wukequn has released his compilation album. jj's album is nice, but the songs are not that catchy when i listened the first time round. the nicer sounding songs are xiao jiu wo, wo hai xiang ta (NICE MV!) and zui chi bi. bu chao bu yong hua qian is quite interesting, but i personally feel jj cant rap HAHAHA. wukequn sang his version of sha gua in his compilation album, and i prefer that over landy's version. he has included new shu qing songs, and remixes of his previous songs, so his compilation was worth listening to also. oh coming wednesday, energy's new song will be shou bo-ed too.

sooo many nice songs now. im spoilt for choice!

and heres the 3rd hit from jay's album, and another of my favourite song from his album (nice MV too)

时光机 - 周杰伦



慢慢清晰 原来思念你
是加了糖 的消息
我用铅笔 画得很仔细
素描那年 天气
蝉鸣的夏季 我想遇见你

一台 时光机
戴竹蜻蜓 穿过那森林
打开了任意门找到你 (<--- REN YI MEN!)

一台 时光机
所有回忆 在小叮当口袋里


慢慢清晰 原来思念你
是加了糖 的消息
我用铅笔 画得很仔细
素描那天 天气
蝉鸣的夏季 我想遇见你

一台 时光机
戴竹蜻蜓 穿过那森林

一台 时光机
所有回忆 在小叮当口袋里

consilio et animis
10/20/2008 10:25:00 PM

amazing race rants

woke up early to watch amazing race today. haha i officially support marisa and brooke for amazing race 13! they are like always lost in their own world, but somehow lady luck is always shining on their side and they somehow never get eliminated despite lagging behind at the start of a leg. plus those 2 belles are really pretty and charming, always stay positive, and never bicker at each other!

haha, on the contrary, id like to see ken and tina end their winning streak, then i can see tina being her quarrelsome self again :D

anyway, there was more team rivalry today. last week, ken-tina team quarrelled with terence-sarah team. this week, it was the kelly-christy team against the nick-starr team. haha. hopefully they filmed what happens at the pit stop next week, when kelly-christy "confronts" nick-starr with regards to asking aja-ty to u-turn them. HAHA it would be a really amusing confrontation.

till next week then! and go marisa and brooke! hope ull stay till the final leg (:

consilio et animis
10/13/2008 09:07:00 PM


WOW! its been a long while since i last blogged! *wipes off the layers of virtual dust that my blog has collected* ok im back now! haha its been a month since i last blogged! *sheepish* basically, i got hooked on heroes and started watching the whole series from season 1. anyway, im finally up to date with heroes, so i should be blogging again normally :P haha season 3 is currently airing in USA, so i have to wait for the weekly instalment of heroes. hopefully the suspense doesnt kill me :/ haha and HRG is one of my favourite characters in the show (:

anyway, jay chous album will be released this wednesday! the album sounds very promising, and the first 2 hits are both great songs. the 2nd hit is my favourite hit of the album (: lyrics by fang wen shan, tune by jay chou. the song cant get any better (:

说好的 幸福呢 - 周杰伦

你的回话凌乱着 在这个时刻
我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了
情绪莫名的拉扯 我还爱你呢
而你断断续续唱着歌 假作没事了

时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
离开时的不快乐 你用卡片手写着
有些爱只给到这 真的痛了

怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心 一一细数着 你再不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得
你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢

quite a lot of artistes are releasing new singles/albums during this period of time. immediately after jay will be kenji and JJ! cant wait for JJ's new album. it has been quite a long wait already (: his first hit with charlene is also quite nice. at least hes not duetting with jin sha again.

ok. before i forget, on hari raya, kenneth, grace, matt and i went to matt's hse for a cards session. haha for some reason i was exceedingly lucky that day, and my pile of chips became skyscrapers HAHA. then we started having the nations analogy. mine was like USA. when i started losing a significant bulk of chips in the middle of game, it was like the collapse of meryl-lynch and AIG hahaha. grace, who was unlucky right from the start, was tagged as "zimbabwe". and matt, whose chips were in a messy pile, was tagged as china. it was a great game, and i ended as the only one who had a net increment in chips. :P

consilio et animis
10/12/2008 08:51:00 PM

Rock 'n Roll

The Hero

about chorkiang. 22. pisces. chorkiang@gmail.com.
school [cambridge 10-12] fitzwilliam. mathmo. cumsa.
[rjc 05-06] 2S01D. shiemarrakan. jacharis. 25thcouncil. harmoc. mathssoc.
[ri 01-04] 4R. ripb. scouts. mathsclub.
[cat hi 95-00] 6K.
work MHA (Jun/Jul 09).
RJC Math Dept (Jan-Sep 09).

♥ Hearts

loves candy. chocolate. ice cream. sour stuff. kbox. silver.
singers SHE. hebe. genie. joi. fish. angela. stefanie. jolin. rainie. mayday. FIR. jay. wilber. jj. joanna.
actresses crystal liu. charmaine sheh. linda chung. jeanette aw.
favourite tv heroes. TW ou xiang ju. HK crime story shows. amazing race. survivor.

Heroes and Sheroes

25THS | STONEDONKEYS | ahfoo | ahmah | chinghui | chorseng | dar | eric | est | fhm | francis | geri | grace | guiyi | harry | jenhan | jloh | josie | kai | kangya | kwanie | lynn | matilda | matt | miao | minghan | mok | nat | paullim | shawn | sheenie | stella | vizanne | weetit | weilin | woonie | xinling | xinyi | yunhua |

Other Kingdoms

Chork Charts | 933 | 1003 charts | ah xin | datoufen | fangwenshan | jiahui | joi | kitty | peifen | zhiyong |


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