v14: Le Petit Prince!
exactly a year since my last blog template! (: im quite happy with my new blog theme, cos i love the story AND SHE's song about the story. and the little prince in the banner on top is so cute (: happy last-day-of-2008!
612 星球 - SHE
满园玫瑰 我以为 找到我那一朵
认真爱了 却狠狠 刺伤我的双手
玫瑰都红 难免看错
望着天空 爱是否 活在童话里头
小王子说 有些事 流浪过才会懂
找不到真爱 会一直寂寞
花别谢太快 请你等等我
擦干眼泪 一个人 漂流在这宇宙
小王子说 爱一定 开在某个角落
我会幸福吗 在什么时候
花别谢太快 请你等等我
consilio et animis
12/31/2008 01:29:00 PM
My 2008 Top Rated Singers / Songs
This is my personal top rated singers / songs for 2008. My top 10 songs are also in order.
Looking back, I must say that while 2008 didn't start out that great for the c-pop industry (few good albums and few new songs), it ended off with a bang, with several tian wang, tian hou and tian tuans releasing quality albums (: Looking forward to more nice songs in 2009!
consilio et animis
12/31/2008 12:35:00 PM
congrats to mayday!
WOW! congrats to mayday for their 4 x champ title today! if im not wrong, they also have the most number of number 1s this year. (xiao tai yang had 3, and kai tian chuang had 1, so totalling up, they took up 8 number 1s out of a possible 52) tu ran hao xiang ni was sacrificed, but it didnt matter. i really love ni bu shi zhen zheng de kuai le, and was really pleased at how it fought back once to get 3x champ, and fought back another time to get 4x champ (yup, the 3rd and 4th no 1s were rebounds).
this also means that mayday is the only singer to achieve two 3x champs in a year this year, and they are also the only ones that managed a 4x champ in a really really long time. (i cant remember how long, but if im not wrong, the last time there were 4x champs was like in 2002? yi fu zhi ming and yu jian had 4x champs thats all i rmb) congrats once again!
and today there was a whooping SIX NEW SONGS on charts, another record for a long long while. this beat the record set on week 1 of this year (5 new songs). haha kinda like the charts starting and ending with a bang :D the 6 new songs were da zui ba's guo wang huang hou (support!), harlem's ai ni de zhi you wo yi ge (support!), rainie's tai fan nao (support!), show luo's ge zhong qiang shou, fei lun hai's yue lai yue ai (support!), and li hom's xin tiao (SUPPORT!). so i liked 5 of the 6 new songs! :D sadly, dao xiang dropped out of the charts, and so did ga li re gou. ):
quite a few new songs/albums in this period, and im looking forward to them! da zui ba just released their latest album, and i like a number of songs in the album! their hip hop styled songs are really groovy and i got addicted to some of them very quickly, after listening to the album for the first time. love ai sha's jap-accented rapping. :D
coming up, theres luo zhi xiang and li hom's new albums. li hom's first hit was very nice, and i hope the rest of the album will not be disappointing. for luo zhi xiang, while his first hit isnt that nice imo, i liked his second hit (shu qing). hope to hear more shu qing or dang wo men zhai yi kuai type of cute songs (:
and in jan, theres fei lun hai, and more importantly, JOANNA's ALBUM! her new album is called joanna & wang ruo lin, cos apparently the singer side of her is joanna while the composer side of her is wang ruo lin. cant wait to be mesmerized by her voice once more. in fact, i am still addicted to her mi gong and you ni de kuai le from her first album. hope to see more surprises in joanna's album in Jan 09!
on a side note, today is the winter solstice (dong zhi), so i got to eat alot of tang yuans (which i made myself!). haha i simply love the sticky glutinous taste of tang yuans :D yummy!
consilio et animis
12/21/2008 08:50:00 PM
v14 coming up...
with exactly 2 weeks left before the end of the year, ive decided to start working on another new blog template. wow its v14 already! cant believe i have created so many blog templates already, yet i didnt save any of them. actually somewhere between v6 and v7 i thought of keeping screenshots of them, but i thought that since i didnt have screenshots of the first few, there wasnt any point keeping a screenshot archive. ok anw, this is the header for my originally intended blog theme.

however, while creating it, i felt that it was kind of morbid and depressing, and i think ill become sad just by looking at the blog everyday. so, very unfortunately, i had to do away with it, even though i loved the theme (and the song) so much... so im working on a new blog theme and template now. probably no major changes to the way the things will be laid out, since i found my current blog template rather neat. but im considering a coloured background, and larger font size (so its a little easier to read!)
also, i finished watching the midseason finale of heroes. wow. it was a really exciting episode and i was quite pleased with the way it ended. now i cant wait for the next volume to return in feb 09. i want to see more of ando in action, and how the heroes get hunted down, and what happens after that. for now, it will be a gruelling 3 month wait... ):
consilio et animis
12/17/2008 10:33:00 PM
survivor finale!
season finale of survivor gabon today. omg i cant believe the jury was just one vote away from creating the worst survivor in history. but thankfully, bob won. seriously, i really think susie and sugar were not only physically much less superior than the other castaways, but also had no strategy at all. they just sort of lucked out and rode coattails with the right people at the right time and made it till the end.
it would be really disappointing if susie won the title of sole survivor of this season. AND her final statement at the jurys council did nothing to change my impression of her. why does she think she deserves to win the million dollars? oh because she
tried! omg. and she blatantly admitted that she had no strategy at all. to think she was sooo close to winning the million dollars. seriously what was the jury thinking!
in fact, i was really pissed when susie won the final immunity. i was soooo sure that she would be going home that night. and then the final immunity was this jenga-like task, which did not require any physical endurance at all. and that was how susie won the last individual immunity, and guaranteed herself a spot in the final three. somehow, susie could just win the immunity at the right time, and fly under the radar at the right time. and just by being a nobody, she became a finalist. really, as randy said, a few episodes ago, if u said that susie would be a finalist, and randy would be in the jury, people would say u r crazy. i think i can continue ranting forever about how i hated the fact that susie made it to the final three.
then there was corinne's classic statement of the day. when it was her turn, she did not ask sugar any questions, but instead called her "an unemployed, uneducated leech on society", and said that she was insincere when crying about his dead father. following which, sugar gives her the finger hahaha. that was a classic mean corinne type of statement.
so the season has concluded, and we have a new survivor, who is also the oldest survivor in survivor history! and tomorrow will be the mid-season finale of heroes too. that will be the end of my weekly dosage of tv shows boo hoo. cant wait till next feb, when amazing race, survivor and heroes come back again. ):
after watching survivor, i went to the park near my place for a little bike riding (just so to stay healthy hahaha) and that was when i realised i havent been riding on my bicycle for like 2 years! i did ride bikes in this period of time, but they were all rented bikes @ east coast. my bike tyre did deflate a little, and parts of the bike were rusty. so i brought it to a petrol kiosk to get it pumped up, then rode around bishan park a little (love the slopes and winding trails!), before cycling back home for dinner.
consilio et animis
12/15/2008 08:47:00 PM
kbox at last!
went kboxing today with
kai and frends! it seems like AMK kbox shifted location, and i didnt know about it, despite going to AMK hub regularly. luckily
kai noticed that we were heading to the wrong place.
anw i havent kboxed for 6 months, and i think my singing deproved quite alot haha. not that it was good to start with, but it has certainly deproved :X means i must go more?
okk this must be the MOST UNBALANCED kbox session i ever had. hmm. i think i can start coming up labels for all the various kbox sessions, like the most expensive, the most number of people in a room etc hehhs. anw, it was unbalanced cos i think for the first 2+ hrs (or more), it was mostly SHE or jay chou songs lol. AND THERES NO JAY CHOU'S SHI GUANG JI! OMG thats like one of the top songs in the album, AND the MV was released b4 she wu, mo shu xian sheng, qiao ke shu shu, yet those songs are available! ):
anw, i got to sing quite a few songs frm SHE's latest album (first time singing!), including yu zhou xiao jie, an jing le and yue guang shou zha! aft that, we started singing lots of duets, before ending with leo ku's 12 min long song! haha thats a really cheap trick to extend your kbox singing time when they tell u "last song". ;) really enjoyed myself todayy haha, even though my voice is dying now. *drinks honey water*
consilio et animis
12/14/2008 10:24:00 PM
pri sch gathering @ aloha
my pri sch math teacher, mdm lee, invited my pri sch class to her chalet @ aloha loyang on wed. had a good time catching up with each other, since most of us have all ORD-ed, so we had lots of stories to share with each other about our army life, and also what we had been/will be spending our time before the next uni yr commences.
chinks and i were among the first to reach the chalet, so we walked around the place abit, and was introduced to mdm lee's kids, who grew up alot since we last saw them. that was also a reminder of how much older we had grown too HAHA. aft that,
charles and
liangze arrived, and we chatted abit before we set out to pick up
nicholas from the pasir ris bus stop. so this is a photo of the lot of us that arrived early :D
after that, we went back to the chalet and played soccer a little before we went back to the chalet, where we started the fire for the BBQ. luckily we had alot of experienced scouts who were good at fire starting, so we managed to get a good fire going.
we then started cooking the food. (turned out there was alot of food!) we started with the nice mushroom wrapped with bacon. that was like the BEST BBQ food of that night. the mushroom was sooo juicy, and the BBQ bacon tasted so nice. heres a pic of the drool-a-licious mushroom wrapped in bacon!
we also BBQ-ed stuff like satay, otah (a few of which became charred really badly), chicken wings, and... PIZZA! haha first time BBQ-ing pizza, but it turned out to be quite a success. heres the first ever BBQ-ed pizza that i ever ate:
later on, we played some cards, then chatted some more with our teacher. there seemed to be endless topics of discussion haha. it was 11+ before we left the chalet.
unfortunately, by the time we reached the mrt station, we missed the last train! luckily, there was still bus service, and we managed to hop on a 58 at the pasir ris interchange.
the bus ride home was loong, but we started talking about some of the stupid things we did during primary school, and everyone had a good laugh. i couldnt remember like 75% of the things, including the things that i supposedly did haha... apparently i wrote this amusing magazine called "Shiok Times" or something like that, and a few other classmates came up with a rival magazine. lol i must have a really bad memory, cos i couldnt even remember the contents of those magazines!
the long bus ride home didnt seem long at all thanks to the company of all my friends, and i feel really grateful to
mdm lee, and our other pri sch teachers, for regularly organising such gatherings, which helps make the bonds we have with our pri sch classmates grow stronger. looking forward to the next gathering!
consilio et animis
12/12/2008 10:23:00 PM
shou bo of li hom and cao ge + liang jing ru's new song today! really in love with li homs new song alr. its called "xin tiao", and its a ballad, which is li hom's forte!
on the other hand, cao ge and liang jing ru's new song is called "PK", and it is about a lovers' quarrel. despite liang jing ru attempting to make changes to her voice, i didnt really like the duet for 2 reasons. firstly, fish lost her style trying to match with cao ge's style. secondly, fish's voice is generally gentle and soothing, so u dont really get the feeling of a lovers' quarrel in the song, unlike in NANANA.
心跳 - 王力宏
想跟我吵架 我没那么无聊
不懂得道歉 我没那么聪明
你又在哭泣 我给不了安慰
我又在摇头 有那麽点后悔
爱情的发展已难以回头 却无法往前走
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒
想跟我吵架 我没那么无聊
不懂得道歉 我没那么聪明
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒
consilio et animis
12/08/2008 10:04:00 PM